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Es existiert eine grosse Fülle an wissenschaftlichen Publikationen rund um Scalable Game Design und Computational Thinking. Diese Seite listet eine kleine aber feine Auswahl an Texten, z.B. Zeitschriftenartikel und Vorträge, die von grosser allgemeiner Relevanz sind oder spezifischen Bezug zum Kontext Schweiz haben. Einen Gesamt-Übersicht aller Publikationen zu Scalable Game Design findet sich auf der US-amerikanischen Media-Wiki von Scalable Game Design. Viele der Publikationen sind zudem auch bei Google Scholar einsehbar.


  • A. Repenning, "Moving Beyond Syntax: Lessons from 20 Years of Blocks Programing in AgentSheets," Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems, vol. 3, p. 24, 2017.
  • Hug, D., Petralito, S., Hauser, S., Lamprou, A., Repenning, A., Bertschinger, D., Stüber, N., Cslovjecsek, M.: Exploring Computational Music Thinking in a Workshop Setting with Primary and Secondary School Children, In: Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2017 - 12th Conference on Interaction with Sound, London, UK, 2017
  • A. Lamprou, A. Repenning, and N. A. Escherle, "The Solothurn Project — Bringing Computer Science Education to Primary Schools in Switzerland," presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2017), Bologna, Italy, 2017.
  • A. Basawapatna and A. Repenning, "Employing Retention of Flow to Improve Online Tutorials," Special Interest Group of Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2017), Seattle, Washington, USA, 2017.


  • Hug, D., Stüber, N., Repenning, A., Cslovjecsek, M., Hauser, S., Agotai, D., Miyazaki, S., Escherle, N., Assaf, D.: Computational Music Thinking - Using End-User Programming to Explore Musical Creation in an STEAM-oriented Integrated Music Education Setting. In: Proceedings of ISME 2016, Glasgow, UK, 2016.
  • A. Repenning, A. Basawapatna, and N. Escherle, "Computational Thinking Tools," presented at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Cambridge, UK, 2016.
  • Escherle, N., Ramirez-Ramirez, S., Basawapatna, A., Assaf, D., Repenning, A., Maiello, C., Endo, Y., and Nolazco-Florez, J., Piloting Computer Science Education Week in Mexico to be presented at the Special Interest Group of Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2016), Memphis, Tennessee, 2016.


  • Escherle, N., Assaf, D., Basawapatna, A., Maiello, C., and Repenning, A., " Launching Swiss Computer Science Education Week," presented at the Proceedings of the 10th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WIPSCE), London, U.K., 2015, 11-16.